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Pedestrian Safety is Everyone's Responsibility

Pedestrian Safety is Everyone's Responsibility

If you've driven in Hillsborough County lately, you know that our area roads are increasingly busier. That's why drivers and pedestrians have a shared responsibility of keeping themselves and others safe.

Pedestrian Tips to Follow

  • Always cross at the crosswalk. Look for the white painted lines at intersections and street corners.
  • Before crossing the street, remember to look left, then right, then left again.
  • If you're out at night, wear bright colored clothing. You want to make yourself as visible as possible to on coming traffic.
Driver Tips to Follow
  • Be prepared to stop at all marked crosswalks.
  • Stay alert for  bicyclists and pedestrians.
  • Wait until pedestrians have crossed at least one lane past your lane before resuming travel.
Through education and increased awareness, we hope to have a significant impact on reducing pedestrian crashes in our state.