Stephen Mitchell, Chief of General Operations

image of Stephen Mitchell

General Services and Facility Operations Division

Chief Mitchell is a life long resident of Hillsborough County and began his career with the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office in 1975, as a technician in the Communications Maintenance Section.  In that assignment, he held several technical and supervisory positions within the section.
He has been in a managerial role within the office for over 30 years and has managed several organizational components within the office including Communications Maintenance, Fleet Maintenance, Facilities Maintenance and Evidence.
He was instrumental in the development and implementation of the the county-wide 700/800 MHz trunked radio communications systems utilized by the Sheriff's Office and all other public-safety agencies in the county.
He has a degree in management and marketing and attended the Florida Department of Law Enforcement's Senior Leadership Program. He has served on the Florida Sheriff's Association Fleet Managers Advisory Board for over 25 years and is member of the statewide committee on interoperable communications.